Transform Your Air Travel With Insider Knowledge To ELEVATE THE WAY YOU FLY

Flying private is the single best way to maximize your precious time and is far more accessible than you may think!
Discover how you can profitably transform your business travel, while enjoying a more relaxed and flexible flight experience on vacation. Learn everything you need to know to make a major impact on how you fly, how much you pay for it, and the quality of your experience.

“Finally someone has created a simple resource to quickly explain & demistify the complex elements of private aviation. The baseline knowledge I’ve gained from Tom’s course has saved me extraordinary time and money.”

Ken Roney - Harrison Partners, Private Equity

When exactly did your commercial air travel become as wearisome and draining as long-distance bus travel?

You take a deep sigh as you see the line ahead of you at security. It was only yesterday that you got back from a five-day business trip and right now you’d rather be anywhere else than an airport, even if this trip is for pleasure. Your family is a little more upbeat. It’s day one of your vacation, but you know that the two flights and the five-hour layover will put an end to that.

And why, you wonder, as you rub the sleep from your eyes, do you need to be here at 4 am anyway? (You know the answer: It’s when the airline could buy a cheap gate slot. Great for them but not so much for you.) You dump the remainder of the bottle of water you just bought - about $3 worth, repack your toiletries which were on display to your line-mates and, as you walk past the stodgy pizza slices on the way to Gate C92, the same dreaded thought of who you’ll be sitting next to comes to mind. You ask yourself, “Wasn’t air travel once-glamorous? Something you looked forward to instead of something to endure? What happened?” You finally sit at your gate, just in time to hear the announcement: “Your flight has been delayed. Gate change announcement, please go to gate B79.” Vacation is off to a great start…

Transform Your Air Travel With Insider Knowledge To ELEVATE THE WAY YOU FLY

Flying private is the single best way to maximize your precious time and is far more accessible than you may think! 
Discover how you can profitably transform your business travel, while enjoying a more relaxed and flexible flight experience for your vacations. Learn everything you need to know to make a major impact on how you fly, how much you pay for it, and the quality of your experience.

“Finally someone has created a simple resource to quickly explain & demistify the complex elements of private aviation. The baseline knowledge I’ve gained from this course has saved our clients extraordinary time and money. I recommend it to anyone currently flying private or considering doing so.”

Kevin M. - Multi-Family Office Owner

When exactly did your commercial air travel become as wearisome and draining as long-distance bus travel?

You take a deep sigh as you see the line ahead of you at security. It was only yesterday that you got back from a five-day business trip and right now you’d rather be anywhere else than an airport, even if this trip is for pleasure. Your family is a little more upbeat. It’s day one of your vacation, but you know that the two flights and the five-hour layover will put an end to that.

And why, you wonder, as you rub the sleep from your eyes, do you need to be here at 4 am anyway? (You know the answer: In the interest of filling every seat, airline schedules are far less convenient than they used to be.) You dump the remainder of the bottle of water you just bought ($4 down the drain!), repack your toiletries which were on display to your TSA line-mates and, as you pass the stale pizza slices on the seemingly endless walk to Gate C92, the same dreaded thought of who you’ll be sitting next to comes to mind. You ask yourself, “Wasn’t air travel once-glamorous? Something you looked forward to instead of something to endure? What happened?” You finally sit at your gate, just in time to hear the announcement: “Your flight has been delayed. Gate change announcement, please go to gate B79.” The family vacation is off to a great start…
If you’re honest with yourself, your business trips are just as bad. Even when everything goes smoothly, the time drain is enormous. With fewer than 400 airports serviced by commercial airlines across the United States, flying commercial is often only half of the trek (with the other half your journey bookended by an endless UBER from the middle of nowhere to your hotel or meeting)

Sometimes you wonder exactly how much these flights are really costing you, not just in money, but in TIME. That’s the real cost. Money can be earned or recouped, but not time away from your team or away from your family and friends.
If you’re honest with yourself, your business trips are just as bad. Even when everything goes smoothly, the time drain is enormous. With fewer than 400 airports serviced by commercial airlines across the United States, flying commercial is often only half the trek (with the other half your journey bookended by an endless UBER from the middle of nowhere to your hotel or meeting).

Sometimes you wonder exactly how much these flights are really costing you, not just in money, but in TIME. That’s the real cost. Money can be earned or recouped, but not time away from your family, friends and colleagues.

The fact is, you know air travel is paramount to your leisure pursuits and a winning proposition in business
(and so does the competition).

Right now it feels like the entire business world has swapped business travel for online meetings. But that is changeing quickly because there is no replacement for face-to-face connection in business. The winners are those that connect in person.
Certify reports that for every dollar spent on travel expenses, there's a $9.50 increase in revenue (an 850% ROI!), and 90% of professionals believe business travel is essential for their growth and effectiveness. In other words, if you don’t get to visit your key business contacts in person, the opportunity cost is huge.

The numbers clearly show that flying for business pays for itself, so why does it have to feel like you're a door-to-door salesperson? You’ve been on the road long enough and deserve better.

On a personal level, you know air travel is the only option for those bucket-list trips to the beaches, mountains, or iconic cities where lasting memories are made. 

In your airport-dazing, I’m sure the thought has crossed your mind, “what if I had a private jet?” But then you dismiss the thought because only the elite fly private and it's an extravagent luxury, and not practical.

Or is it? Is it possible that private aviation is a smart money move? Could it actually generate enough efficiencies and time savings to lower your net travel expense? Could private aviation be what you SHOULD be doing, not what you COULD be doing? Could it also mean traveling with your family or fostering key business relationships actually becomes something you look forward to and prioritize?

Imagine this…

Your assistant has booked you and your family on a private jet for a quick, much-needed weekend getaway.  Your flight will be departing from the airport 15 minutes from your home, not that busy, overwhelming commercial swath of concrete in the far-flung distance. You rest easy on the morning of your flight, knowing the plane and pilots will be ready to go when YOU are, on YOUR schedule. You pull up to the security entrance at the private terminal and the gate swings open to let you drive directly onto the tarmac to your awaiting plane. The pilots and ground support team offer a pleasant smile, open your car doors and transfer your luggage onto the plane. In under 10 minutes, the wheels lift off the ground, you stretch out and you sip your ice-cold water (in a proper glass). You glance at your watch and realize you are at least three hours ahead of where you would be if you were to have flown commercial. You’re overwhelmed by a feeling of relaxation and looking forward to an amazing experience with your family. When you land, it’s a short 10-minute drive to the resort. After all, you flew private and, by doing so, accessed the closest airport, one over 18,000 in the United States alone that are not accessible to commercial travelers. This is travel on your terms.
Sounds like a dream, but you know this kind of travel is only for the super-rich. Right?  Or...could it actually be available to you right now? Could private aviation be what you should be doing?

A growing number of people are answering YES to flying private, in part due to the reduced convenience and increased risks of flying commercial as a result of the pandemic. But more important than that, people like you are increasingly flying private because of the quick, seamless, tailored service that reduces costly downtime on trips and transforms how they use their leisure time. Should you be one of them? If you make the choice to give it a shot, flying will become effortless and a tool you can use to more frequently catch up with old friends and family or advance critical business initiatives. It’s as hassle-free a mode of travel as you can imagine and as enjoyable and efficient as, well, a time machine!

So, what is stopping you from using private air travel?

Imagine this…

Your assistant has booked you and your family on a private jet for a quick, much-needed weekend getaway.  Your flight will be departing from the airport 15 minutes from your home, not that busy, overwhelming commercial swath of concrete in the far-flung distance. You rest easy on the morning of your flight, knowing the plane and pilots will be ready to go when YOU are, on YOUR schedule. You pull up to the security entrance at the private terminal and the gate swings open to let you drive directly onto the tarmac to your awaiting plane. The pilots and ground support team offer a pleasant smile, open your car doors and transfer your luggage onto the plane. In under 10 minutes, the wheels lift off the ground, you stretch out and you sip your ice-cold water (in a proper glass). You glance at your watch and realize you are at least three hours ahead of where you would be if you were to have flown commercial. You’re overwhelmed by a feeling of relaxation and looking forward to an amazing experience with your family. When you land, it’s a short 10-minute drive to the resort. After all, you flew private and, by doing so, accessed the closest airport, one over 19,000 in the United States alone that are not accessible to commercial travelers. At last, you travel on your terms.
Sounds like a dream, but you know this kind of travel is only for the super-rich. Right?  Or...could it actually be available to you right now? 

A growing number of people are answering YES to flying private, in part due to the reduced convenience and increased risks of flying commercial largely as a result of the pandemic. But more important than that, people like you are increasingly flying private because of the quick, seamless, tailored service that reduces costly downtime on trips and transforms how they use their leisure time. Should you be one of them? If you make the choice to give it a shot, flying will become effortless and a tool you can use to more frequently catch up with old friends and family or advance critical business initiatives. It’s as hassle-free a mode of travel as you can imagine and as enjoyable and efficient as, well, a time machine!

So, what is stopping you from using private air travel?

The Three Barriers Standing In Your Way of Luxury, Private Aviation

“Private planes must be really expensive to buy or charter. Otherwise, everyone would be doing it. Right?”

The majority of people who use private aviation never have nor ever will buy a plane.  They don’t have to because they already have a great range of cost-effective, private aviation options to choose from. When you begin to consider flying private, you will quickly realize that there are an overwhelming number of ways to do it, with literally hundreds of options, not just the 4-5 commercial airlines you’re used to. Selecting one of these many options can save you an enormous amount of time AND, if you choose wisely, money. You just need to know what these options are and the best places to get them.
If you’re a business traveler,  you may be surprised to find that the actual cash savings you can obtain with private aviation often means that the real cost barrier to flying is going back to commercial air travel. The smartest business minds accomplish in a day or two using private aviation what takes their competitors weeks trying to save a buck navigating commercial airlines. And the math pencils out. Think about the ancillary non-flight costs of weeks on the road - UBERs and rental cars, meals, hotel rooms, and airport parking. Think about the lost productivity alone of sitting in terminals, to say nothing of the time away from your family and friends. Now think of how your travel life could be transformed if you could condense weeks of business travel into a day or two?
And as a result of the growing popularity of private aviation, there are seemingly endless options to buy your flight time.

You can charter from a local operator, buy a jet card, join a membership program,  source an empty leg, engage a charter broker, identify a floating fleet option, buy into a fractional program, share ownership with a group of friends and the list goes on. If this aviation jargon flies over your head and an endless array of options are starting to overwhelm you, well, that’s the second barrier standing between you and successfully using private aviation.

“I’d need a degree in aviation just to understand what my options for flying private are. There’s just too much jargon and the options are overwhelming.”

Jargon is a great way of keeping people out of a conversation and, unfortunately, it’s everywhere, from law to finance to medicine to aviation.  But once you discover that your borborygmus is just your stomach grumbling because you skipped lunch, everything becomes a lot more straightforward.

It’s the same in private aviation. Know the language, learn the lingo, and unlock your options.

“There are too many choices. I have no clue where to start.”

You’ve discovered that flying privately can bring significant time and money savings.  You’ve learned the jargon and have a clear understanding of your options. There’s just one more barrier to knock down, and that’s your choice. This is where you need insider knowledge.

Just like buying your first house or car, or walking through a foreign food market, you will do much better with an expert guide. That insider knowledge is the last piece of the puzzle.

Once you have it, the doors swing wide open to all of your air travel options. The problem is, that knowledge is hard to come by. Very few people specialize in being an honest purveyor of aviation advice. Mostly, you end up talking to conflicted sales reps or commission-hungry brokers who are just selling (and then up-selling) you on the option that lines their pocketbook.

Getting honest, transparent insider knowledge is the key and it is the true barrier standing between you and leveraging private aviation as the time machine that it can be for you. But it’s been almost impossible to find…until now.

The Three Barriers Standing In Your Way of Luxury, Private Aviation

“Private planes must be really expensive to buy or charter. Otherwise, everyone would be doing it. Right?”

The majority of people who use private aviation never have nor ever will buy a plane.  They don’t have to because they already have a great range of cost-effective, private aviation options to choose from. When you begin to consider flying private, you will quickly realize that there are an overwhelming number of ways to do it, with literally hundreds of options, not just the 4-5 commercial airlines you’re used to. Selecting one of these many options can save you an enormous amount of time AND, if you choose wisely, money. You just need to know what these options are and the best places to get them.

If you’re a business traveler,  you may be surprised to find that the actual cash savings you can obtain with private aviation often means that the real cost barrier to flying is going back to commercial air travel. The smartest business minds accomplish in a day or two using private aviation what takes their competitors weeks trying to save a buck navigating commercial airlines. And the math pencils out. Think about the ancillary non-flight costs of weeks on the road - UBERs and rental cars, meals, hotel rooms, and airport parking. Think about the lost productivity alone of sitting in terminals, to say nothing of the time away from your family and friends. Now think of how your travel life could be transformed if you could condense weeks of business travel into a day or two?
And as a result of the growing popularity of private aviation, there are seemingly endless options to access private aviation, but they can be massively confusing.

You can charter from a local operator, buy a jet card, join a membership program source an empty leg, engage a charter broker, identify a floating fleet option, buy into a fractional program, share ownership with a group of friends and the list goes on and on and on. If this aviation jargon flies over your head and the endless array of options are starting to overwhelm you, well, that’s the second barrier standing between you and successfully using private aviation.

“I’d need a degree in aviation just to understand what my options for flying private are. There’s just too much jargon and the options are overwhelming.”

Jargon is a great way of keeping people out of a conversation and, unfortunately, it’s everywhere, from law to finance to medicine to aviation.  But once you discover that your borborygmus is just your stomach grumbling because you skipped lunch, everything becomes a lot more straightforward.

It’s the same in private aviation. Know the language, learn the lingo, and unlock your options.

“There are too many choices. I have no clue where to start.”

You’ve discovered that flying privately can bring significant time and money savings.  You’ve learned the jargon and have a clear understanding of your options. There’s just one more barrier to knock down, and that’s your choice. This is where you need insider knowledge.

Just like buying your first house or car, or walking through a foreign food market, you will do much better with an expert guide. That insider knowledge is the last piece of the puzzle.

Once you have it, the doors swing wide open to all of your air travel options. The problem is, that knowledge is hard to come by. Very few people specialize in being an honest purveyor of aviation advice. Mostly, you end up talking to conflicted sales reps or commission-hungry brokers who are just selling (and then up-selling) you on the option that lines their pocketbook.

Getting honest, transparent insider knowledge is the key and it is the true barrier standing between you and leveraging private aviation as the time machine that it can be for you. But it’s been almost impossible to find…until now.

The good news is…unlocking the insider knowledge to successfully and profitably use private air travel is now at your fingertips.

The knowledge that...
…walks you through all your choices, from full ownership to buying a single hour of flight time so you have the best options for every travel need.
…demystifies key industry concepts (meaning you can talk directly with the top vendors about options that work for you).
…explains what kinds of aircraft you should consider for different needs, allowing you to maximize value while maintaining all the private-flying benefits.
…lays out exactly how to buy flight time so your team can handle all the organization on your behalf.
…explains how to balance long-term plans vs on-demand needs to align your budget with your travel calendar.
All bundled into a single program and based on a highly successful business model already bringing outstanding travel value to business leaders and leisure travel aficionados. Your guide is an independent expert with a passion for aviation and who has a deep understanding of how private air travel works as a productivity tool and a source of huge savings. This is the knowledge that will unlock the world’s smartest access to private air travel.

The good news is…unlocking the insider knowledge to successfully and profitably use private air travel is now at your fingertips.

The knowledge that...
…walks you through all your choices, from full ownership to buying a single hour of flight time so you have the best options for every travel need.
…demystifies key industry concepts (meaning you can talk directly with the top vendors about options that work for you).

…explains what kinds of aircraft you should consider for different needs, allowing you to maximize value while maintaining all the private-flying benefits.
…lays out exactly how to buy flight time so your team can handle all the organization on your behalf.

…explains how to balance long-term plans vs. on-demand needs to align your budget with your travel calendar.
All bundled into a single program and based on a highly successful business model already bringing outstanding travel value to business leaders and leisure travel aficionados. Your guide is an independent expert with a passion for aviation and who has a deep understanding of how private air travel works as a productivity tool and a source of huge savings. This is the knowledge that will unlock the world’s smartest access to private air travel.

How a single travel decision changed the course of my professional life

Hi, I’m Tom Filippini,

Business owner, husband, father to three amazing daughters, and a passionate aviator, and if there’s one thing I enjoy as much as flying,  it’s introducing private aviation to my friends so it becomes a life-changing part of their travel strategy in the most flexible and cost-effective way.

My entrepreneurial journey and introduction to private aviation started quite young. In my mid-20s, I conceived and built luxury destination club Exclusive Resorts. ER, as it has become known, was an amazing experience for me as a burgeoning entrepreneur and gained national attention, with major news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, CNBC, and many others featuring our success. Within just a few short years, ER exploded onto the travel scene and became a global phenomenon, orchestrating hundreds of thousands of luxury vacations on all seven continents. We amassed a real estate portfolio of resort homes valued in excess of $1.5 billion and generated over $250 million in annual sales. But my proudest achievement was the 97% satisfaction rating granted to us from our members - thousands of the world’s most discerning and affluent travelers.
As you can imagine, as we were building ER’s global real estate footprint, I traveled A LOT.  While it was necessary and I loved the work, it took me away from my family and my team. I wasn’t a fan of either. Then something happened that completely changed the course of my life.

I was looking at properties in Palmetto Bluff on the coast of South Carolina and needed to get to Boca Grande on the gulf coast of Florida for more tours. It was an 8 hour schlep and I was planning to make the drive, even though it would cost me another day on the road. Then my tour guide at Palmetto told me about a local charter service that could fly me there in about 90 minutes. At first, I said thanks-but-no-thanks (I shuddered to imagine the cost) but decided to inquire anyway. Why not?!
 I was shocked by how inexpensive and time-efficient it was! I was quoted a flight from Savanna to the Coral Creek private airport (15 minutes Boca Grande),  then to Orlando International Airport (where I caught my commercial flight back home) all in one day for less than $1,500! I even asked if they had left off a zero!

$1,500 to get a day of my life back was an absolute no-brainer, so I booked it. As we were flying along, I observed the streams of traffic on the roads below me. My mind drifted from work to the wife and kids to the roads and then, just like that, it hit me. I was not just in a plane. I was in a time machine. Not one that travels back in time, but one that literally makes time. I had just bought an extra day and I couldn’t help but think of how impactful it could be if done at scale! If you manage a demanding business while balancing a busy personal life, you know a full-day is priceless.
I had just bought an extra day and I couldn’t help but think of how impactful it could be if done at scale!, If you manage a demanding business while balancing a busy personal life, you know a full-day is priceless.

I was so pumped by this revelation that I vowed to somehow incorporate it into my travel repertoire when time was of the essence. And when isn’t time of the essence? As a fairly methodical consumer, I talked to every single person I could about the ins and outs of private aviation.

I quickly discovered one very clear and hard divide.

There were those on the outside, like I had been, who don’t really “get” the power of flying private (until I experienced it). And then there are those on the inside who are “all-in” on its ability to transform their travel and their lives. As one insider put it, private aviation is the travel solution that the smartest CFOs recommend to their CEOs. People on the outside see private travel as an exorbitant, unjustifiable expense - like the “champagne and caviar” of travel modalities. While those on the inside see it as one of the very few tools that can drive immense amounts of efficiency and utility.
One trip on a private aircraft - not even a fancy one - was IT for me! I was committed to bringing this revelation to as many people as possible, and after Exclusive Resorts was acquired by its current owner Steve Case (the founder of AOL), I went on to build a very successful aviation company that brings cost-effective private air travel to hundreds of families and businesses.

They love it. They love the convenience, cost savings versus alternative options, but they especially love all the nights they don’t have to stay away from home. And they love that traveling with family and friends or for business is now a pleasure - and not something to endure before the actual fun or important work begins. 
 Whether you want to run conference meetings in the sky or relax and chat with friends as you fly down to Cabo for an afternoon of fishing, private air travel opens up a whole new world of experiences and possibilities.

And no, the people who do this are not the super-rich. These are your fellow club members. They are on the green just ahead of you as you tee up. The only difference between you and them is the insider knowledge that allows them to make informed decisions that you can’t… yet!

That’s where I come in.

How a single travel decision changed the course of my professional life...

Hi, I’m Tom Filippini,

Business owner, husband, father to three amazing daughters, and a passionate aviator, and if there’s one thing I enjoy as much as flying,  it’s introducing private aviation to my friends so it becomes a life-changing part of their travel strategy in the most flexible and cost-effective way.

My entrepreneurial journey and introduction to private aviation started quite young. In my mid-20s, I conceived and built luxury destination club Exclusive Resorts. ER, as it has become known, was an amazing experience for me as a burgeoning entrepreneur and gained national attention, with major news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, CNBC, and many others featuring our success. Within just a few short years, ER exploded onto the travel scene and became a global phenomenon, orchestrating hundreds of thousands of luxury vacations on all seven continents. We amassed a real estate portfolio of resort homes valued in excess of $1.5 billion and generated over $250 million in annual sales. But my proudest achievement was the 97% satisfaction rating granted to us from our members - thousands of the world’s most discerning and affluent travelers.
As you can imagine, as we were building ER’s global real estate footprint, I traveled A LOT.  While it was necessary and I loved the work, it took me away from my family and my team. I wasn’t a fan of either. Then something happened that completely changed the course of my life.

I was looking at properties in Palmetto Bluff on the coast of South Carolina and needed to get to Boca Grande on the gulf coast of Florida for more tours. It was an 8 hour schlep and I was planning to make the drive, even though it would cost me another day on the road. Then my tour guide at Palmetto told me about a local charter service that could fly me there in about 90 minutes. At first, I said thanks-but-no-thanks (I shuddered to imagine the cost) but decided to inquire anyway. Why not?!
I was shocked by how inexpensive and time-efficient it was! I was quoted a flight from Savanna to the Coral Creek private airport (15 minutes Boca Grande), then to Orlando International Airport (where I caught my commercial flight back home) all in one day for less than $2,000! I even asked if they had left off a zero!

2k to get a couple days of my life back was an absolute no-brainer, so I booked it. As we were flying along, I observed the streams of traffic on the roads below me. My mind drifted from work to the wife and kids to the roads and then, just like that, it hit me. I was not just in a plane. I was in a time machine. Not one that travels back in time, but one that literally makes time. 
I had just bought TIME and I couldn’t help but think of how impactful it could be if done at scale! If you manage a demanding business while balancing a busy personal life, you know first-hand how priceless your time is.

I was so thrilled by the revelation that flying private = time machine, that I vowed to somehow incorporate it into my travel repertoire when time was of the essence. And when isn’t time of the essence? As an extremely methodical consumer, I talked to every single person I could about the ins and outs of private aviation.

I quickly discovered one very clear and hard divide.

There were those on the outside, like I had been, who don’t really “get” the power of flying private (until I experienced it). And then there are those on the inside who are “all-in” on its ability to transform their travel and their lives. As one insider put it, private aviation is the travel solution that the smartest CFOs recommend to their CEOs. People on the outside see private travel as an exorbitant, unjustifiable expense - like the “champagne and caviar” of travel modalities. While those on the inside see it as one of the very few tools that can drive immense amounts of efficiency and utility.
One trip on a private aircraft - not even a fancy one - was IT for me! I was committed to bringing this revelation to as many people as possible, and after Exclusive Resorts was acquired by its current owner Steve Case (the founder of AOL), I went on to build a very successful aviation company that brings cost-effective private air travel to hundreds of families and businesses.

They love it. They love the convenience, cost savings versus alternative options, but they especially love all the nights they don’t have to stay away from home. And they love that traveling with family and friends or for business is now a pleasure - and not something to endure before the actual fun or important work begins. 
Whether you want to run business meetings in the sky or relax and chat with friends as you fly to Cabo for well-deserved getaway, private air travel opens up a whole new world of experiences and possibilities.

And no, the people who do this are not exclusively the super-rich. These are your fellow club members. They are on the green just ahead of you as you tee it up. The only difference between you and them is the insider knowledge that allows them to make informed decisions that you can’t… yet!

That’s where I come in.


The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation

Your ticket to navigating the industry to fly private with confidence.

As a private aviation entrepreneur, consumer, and instrument-rated pilot I’ve amassed an immense amount of insider knowledge about every method of flying private and have consolidated it into The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation - your complete guide to fully understanding and evaluating your private air travel options. Everything you need to make confident, informed decisions that drive cost and time efficiency in your business and bring the luxury of private aviation to your personal life.

This step-by-step program is brought to you by an aviation insider who specializes in making private air travel the preferred option for productivity and revenue-focused business owners who also want to experience the best for all their flying.

As part of The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation, you’ll receive:

5 Learning Modules
That will give you …
  • The confidence and knowledge to make the right flying decisions for you
  • All the information you need about aircraft options
  • Your full guide on how to choose and buy your flight time
  • The ability to plan your short and long-term flights according to your budget
  • The ability to decode and understand the lingo
10 Tools
To help you…
  • Understand the industry lingo so you are clear on all your options
  • Match the right plane to the right trip
  • Make quick and easy comparisons across all buying options
  • Break down your best options based on hours to be flown


The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation

Your ticket to navigating the industry to fly private with confidence.

As a private aviation entrepreneur, consumer, and instrument-rated pilot, I’ve amassed an immense amount of insider knowledge about every method of flying private and have consolidated it into The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation - your complete guide to fully understanding and evaluating your private air travel options. Everything you need to make confident, informed decisions that drive cost and time efficiency in your business and bring the luxury of private aviation to your personal life.

This step-by-step program will simplify the complex aspects of private aviation so you can confidently make private air travel your preferred option for productivity and relaxation. 

As part of The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation, you’ll receive:

5 Learning Modules
That will give you …
  • The confidence and knowledge to make the right flying decisions for you
  • All the information you need about aircraft options
  • Your full guide on how to to select your optimal private aviation solution
  • The ability to plan your short and long-term flights according to your budget
  • The ability to decode and understand the lingo of private aviation
10 Tools
To help you…
  • Understand the industry lingo so you are clear on all your options
  • Match the right plane to the right trip
  • Make quick and easy comparisons across all buying options
  • Break down your best options based on hours to be flown

Program Breakdown

Here’s what you will learn and explore in each module of The Insider's Guide to
Intelligent Private Aviation…



Making The Choice To Fly Private: Considerations When Using Private Aviation

Welcome to Module 1 of your private aviation course. The focus here is to help you make the best decisions based on your individual travel needs. Sometimes it makes sense to fly private, while other times commercial is your best option. In this module, you will discover the reasons why this is the case and how flying private can bring major benefits when used strategically and appropriately. You can then begin imagining the places you want to go -- for quick-strike business dealings and relaxing getaways with friends and loved ones.

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • Evaluating Your Destinations: A thought starter to help you determine where you want and need to go as you’re making the decision to use private aviation.
  • 10 Luxury Resorts With Their Own Private Airstrips: To help you find new destinations.



Understanding the Lingo - Key Concepts & Terms in Private Aviation

Let’s face it--one of the reasons you haven’t flown private - or lack confidence in cases where you have - is that you haven’t had the time to “dig in” to the industry lingo and to think through all of the critical questions to ask. Module 2 will give you insight into the language of the industry and key levers that drive cost so you know how to talk to private aviation companies--and avoid being seen as a newbie ripe for the picking. You’ll be in the know during the cocktail party small talk and in the CEO roundtables. In this module, you will be guided through key industry concepts, unlocking the lingo so that you’ll know exactly when to hold them and when to fold them!

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • The Guide to Private Air Travel Lingo: From deadheading to charging models, a full glossary written specifically for business travelers.



The Private Flyers Guide to Aircraft Types

In Module 3 of your private-aviation course, we will cover all your aircraft options. When traveling commercially, the choice of aircraft is out of your hands, but traveling by private aircraft changes all of that. In many cases, you can match the right aircraft to each journey to match your budget and ensure your comfort. That means making choices.

When should you consider a light jet? How should your trip distance and passenger count affect your decisions? At what point does speed become the critical variable in pricing? Answering these questions - and many more - is essential to sound decision-making. (It will also make you the go-to aviation expert with your peer group!)

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • Aircraft Options Guide: A breakdown of aircraft type, what they offer you as a business traveler, and how each type answers your travel needs.



Your Flight-Time Buying Options

In Module 4, we dive into the myriad ways to enjoy access to private aviation and buy your flight time. Our goal is to help you UNDERSTAND all of the options so that when it comes time to make a decision, you don’t default to what your buddy says is best or the aviation sales rep your assistant likes talking to the most. Because you have so many more options than with the one-size-fits-all commercial model, you need to know the framework of what is out there before you can start to make your choice. This is where you’ll learn about those choices.

From full ownership to buying a handful of hours from a charter operator, we’ll cover everything you need to make confident buying decisions. This is all the information you or your team needs to do the actual buying and booking for all your future flights.

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • At-A-Glance Pricing Comparison Guide:  Quickly narrow in on the best buying options.
  • Fraction-Ownership Guide: You might never actually buy a plane, but partial ownership might be a very smart move. This is your guide to that option.
  • Jet-Cards Buying Guide: From fixed to dynamic hourly rates, Jet Cards are often the easiest and best solutions. Here's how they work and who to buy from.
  • Charter-Flight Guide: Discover how using a chartered flight works, when you should consider it, and how to work with Charter Brokers and Charter Operators. 



Analyzing the Options and Making The Right Choices

In Module 5 we bring it all together with the last big topic: Making the right decision and selecting the mode(s) of flying private that match your unique needs and circumstances.

We’ve already covered the reasons why private aviation is a viable option for you, the jargon you need to know, your aircraft options, and how to actually buy flight time. Now we look at how to match your travel demands against your budget, from short-term, on-demand cases to long-term planning. And to see how this works in real life, we’ll use case studies and scenarios to demonstrate the benefits and pitfalls of various ways of flying private, with the backdrop of your unique knowledge and requirements.

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • Decision-Making Framework: 10 key questions to determine which options are best for you.
  • Buying-Options Chart: This chart will help you balance short-term options, such as Jet Cards, against long-term options, such as ownership or part ownership. Once you go over a certain number of hours, ownership becomes the smarter option and can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. But when should you make that move? We answer that in this module (hint: it might be a lot sooner than you think).

Program Breakdown

Here’s what you will learn and explore in each module of The Insider's Guide to
Intelligent Private Aviation…
Welcome to Module 1 of your private aviation course. The focus here is to help you make the best decisions based on your individual travel needs. Sometimes it makes sense to fly private, while other times commercial is your best option. In this module, you will discover the reasons why this is the case and how flying private can bring major benefits when used strategically and appropriately. You can then begin imagining the places you want to go -- for quick-strike business dealings and relaxing getaways with friends and loved ones.

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • Evaluating Your Destinations: A thought starter to help you determine where you want and need to go as you’re making the decision to use private aviation.
  • 10 Luxury Resorts With Their Own Private Airstrips: To help you find new destinations.
Let’s face it--one of the reasons you haven’t flown private - or lack confidence in cases where you have - is that you haven’t had the time to “dig in” to the industry lingo and to think through all of the critical questions to ask. Module 2 will give you insight into the language of the industry and key levers that drive cost so you know how to talk to private aviation companies--and avoid being seen as a newbie ripe for the picking. You’ll be in the know during the cocktail party small talk and in the CEO roundtables. In this module, you will be guided through key industry concepts, unlocking the lingo so that you’ll know exactly when to hold them and when to fold them!

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • The Guide to Private Air Travel Lingo: From deadheading to charging models, a full glossary written specifically for current & future private air travelers.
In Module 3 of your private-aviation course, we will cover all your aircraft options. When traveling commercially, the choice of aircraft is out of your hands, but traveling by private aircraft changes all of that. In many cases, you can match the right aircraft to each journey to match your budget and ensure your comfort. That means making choices.

When should you consider a light jet? How should your trip distance and passenger count affect your decisions? At what point does speed become the critical variable in pricing? Answering these questions - and many more - is essential to sound decision-making. (It will also make you the go-to aviation expert with your peer group!)

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • Aircraft Options Guide: A breakdown of aircraft type, what they offer you as a business traveler, and how each type answers your travel needs.
In Module 4, we dive into the myriad ways to enjoy access to private aviation and buy your flight time. Our goal is to help you UNDERSTAND all of the options so that when it comes time to make a decision, you don’t default to what your buddy says is best or the aviation sales rep your assistant likes talking to the most. Because you have so many more options than with the one-size-fits-all commercial model, you need to know the framework of what is out there before you can start to make your choice. This is where you’ll learn about those choices.

From full ownership to buying a handful of hours from a charter operator, we’ll cover everything you need to make confident buying decisions. This is all the information you or your team needs to do the actual buying and booking for all your future flights.

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • At-A-Glance Pricing Comparison Guide: Quickly narrow in on the best buying options.
  • Fraction-Ownership Guide: You might never actually buy a plane, but partial ownership might be a very smart move. This is your guide to that option.
  • Jet-Cards Buying Guide: From fixed to dynamic hourly rates, Jet Cards are often the easiest and best solutions. Here's how they work and who to buy from.
  • Charter-Flight Guide: Discover how using a chartered flight works, when you should consider it, and how to work with Charter Brokers and Charter Operators. 
In Module 5 we bring it all together with the last big topic: Making the right decision and selecting the mode(s) of flying private that match your unique needs and circumstances.

We’ve already covered the reasons why private aviation is a viable option for you, the jargon you need to know, your aircraft options, and how to actually buy flight time. Now we look at how to match your travel demands against your budget, from short-term, on-demand cases to long-term planning. And to see how this works in real life, we’ll use case studies and scenarios to demonstrate the benefits and pitfalls of various ways of flying private, with the backdrop of your unique knowledge and requirements.

In this module, you’ll receive the following tools:

  • Decision-Making Framework: 10 key questions to determine which options are best for you.
  • Buying-Options Chart: This chart will help you balance short-term options, such as Jet Cards, against long-term options, such as ownership or part ownership. 

Plus Your Efficiencies and ROI Bonuses...

The benefits of traveling by private aviation are clear, but many assume it’s out of their reach. That’s why you also get these three bonuses...

Bonus 01

The ROI on Private Aviation for CEOs

A breakdown and calculator to evaluate the time/money quotient. This will give you leverage to take to your CFO or board of directors.

Bonus 02

Insider Tips - Finding Empty Legs and Local Operators

Bonus 03

The How-To Guide for Booking a Trip On Your Own With Confidence

Even if you have more than one destination! How to combine destinations and maximize your time and financial investment.

Plus Your Efficiencies and ROI Bonuses...

The benefits of traveling by private aviation are clear, but many assume it’s out of their reach. That’s why you also get these three bonuses...

Bonus 01

The ROI on Private Aviation for CEOs

A breakdown and calculator to evaluate the time/money quotient. This will give you leverage to take to your CFO or board of directors.

Bonus 02

Insider Tips - Finding Empty Legs and Local Operators

Bonus 03

The How-To Guide for Booking a Trip On Your Own With Confidence

Even if you have more than one destination! How to combine destinations and maximize your time and financial investment.

That’s a lot of value! Let’s recap.

Here’s everything you're getting with The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation...

Your complete 5-Module Guide, with video lessons, to open up the world of private aviation as a productivity-boosting, business tool, and vacation time machine.
Your 10 Insider-Knowledge Tools to help you make confident, easy decisions on all aspects of your air travel.
Your Breakdown and Calculator to evaluate the potential ROI when using private aviation.
Your Insider Tips to help navigate the world of private aviation and make the most out of it like a seasoned pro.
Your hassle-free Booking Guide to help you get organized and ready to book your trip with confidence

That’s a lot of value! Let’s recap.

Here’s everything you're getting with The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation...

Your complete 5-Module Guide, with video lessons, to open up the world of private aviation as a productivity-boosting, business tool, and vacation time machine.
Your 10 Insider-Knowledge Tools to help you make confident, easy decisions on all aspects of your air travel.

Your Breakdown and Calculator to evaluate the potential ROI when using private aviation.

Your Insider Tips to help navigate the world of private aviation and make the most out of it like a seasoned pro.
Your hassle-free Booking Guide to help you get organized and ready to book your trip with confidence.

Ready to step up into a world of luxury air travel that transforms your flying experience while also making financial sense?

Your transformation starts immediately after you enroll. Once you click the "Join Now" button below, you'll be taken to our secure checkout. 

When you register, you'll receive an email confirming your registration. Your email will include instructions on how to access your learning portal.

If you have any questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program.

The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation

You’ll have full access to:
  • 5 step-by-step video modules, released over 5 weeks
  • 10 tools
  • 3 high-value bonuses



The Insider's Guide to Intelligent Private Aviation

You’ll have full access to:
  • 5 step-by-step video modules, released over 5 weeks
  • 10 tools
  • 3 high-value bonuses
  • 1:1 planning call plus 3 custom aviation solution recommendations for your needs



  • 100% Safe and Secure Checkout
Payment processed through secure gate network

Your investment is fully backed by my 10-day guarantee.

I am so sure that my course can open up the world of private aviation to you that I would like to offer you my 10 days, risk-free guarantee. If for any reason you feel the course is not for you, all you have to do is ask within 10 days of purchasing, and you’ll get a full refund.

Ready to step up into a world of luxury air travel that transforms your flying experience while also making financial sense?

Your transformation starts immediately after you enroll. Once you click the "Join Now" button below, you'll be taken to our secure checkout. 

When you register, you'll receive an email confirming your registration. Your email will include instructions on how to access your learning portal.

If you have any questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program.

The Insider's Guide to
Intelligent Private Aviation

The Insider's Guide to
Intelligent Private Aviation

You’ll have full access to:
  • 5 step-by-step video modules, released over 5 weeks
  • 10 tools
  • 3 high-value bonuses



You’ll have full access to:
  • 5 step-by-step video modules, released over 5 weeks
  • 10 tools
  • 3 high-value bonuses
  • 50 Minute 1:1 planning call with course creator Tom Filippini, followed by...
  • ...3 private aviation solution recommendations customized by Tom for you based on the call.



  • 100% Safe and Secure Checkout
Payment processed through secure gate network

Your investment is fully backed by my 60-day guarantee.

I am so sure that my course can open up the world of private aviation to you that I would like to offer you my 60 days, risk-free guarantee. If for any reason you feel the course is not for you, all you have to do is ask within 10 days of purchasing, and you’ll get a full refund.


An extremely interesting and valuable experience. I learned more than I thought I would and it gave me solid grounding in the key areas of private flying. It really helped me consider my options from a more educated place.
Jeff A.
Manufacturing Company CEO 
I had my EA take the course since I had tasked her with helping me research my options for flying private. She got so much out of it that she encouraged me to review some of the modules, which I enjoyed. In the end, we've felt we made a more confident decision on how to fly private for the foreseeable future. 
William S.
Oil & Gas Executive
I've been flying private for several years, but never felt like I had chosen the "right" way to do it. I bought the course that included the consultation and I've since selected a new program based on Tom's recommendation. I'm on track to save over $25,000 in 2022 versus what I was paying before.
Wendy P.
Author & Speaker
I was frozen trying to make a decision about how to fly private when I stumbled on this course. I bought it 'on a whim' and I'm not sure how I would have made a confident decision without the course and Tom's input on options I should consider. 
Robert M.
Real Estate Private Equity Executive


Yes, you have lifetime access!

(and other questions you might have)


When will I have access to the material?


You’ll have immediate access to Module One, as soon as you join the program. The remaining three modules will be released each week. The entire course is five weeks long and you have lifetime access.


Do I need any prior knowledge of the private-aviation sector?


No. I’ve been helping business owners, their teams and even my friends successfully decide how best to utilize private aviation for over a decade. Now I’m making my secrets available to the public.


What If I want the benefits of private air travel but I’m too busy to take your course?


This is a common question with an easy solution. The course content is critical to making the most informed decision about how and when to fly private. In many cases, our busiest “students” will assign the course material to a trusted member of their team or a spouse. This way, they get a digest version of the knowledge and secrets included in the course without taking it themselves.


Is private air travel really a viable, cost-effective option?


Most likely, you have room in your budget for some element of private aviation. Of course, there’ll always be a place for commercial travel, and it may always be your primary mode of air travel. But, as you’ll learn through this course, there are instances when private air travel can become a no-brainer and you’ll be shocked at how inexpensive it can become if used wisely. 


What if I don’t fly very often? Is this course still for me?


Absolutely. Flight time can be purchased in as little as one-hour increments. I have even used it to fly from one end of a city to the other, simply to “hop over” traffic. There are endless ways you can use private aviation - many of them that are currently beyond your imagination. The course uses case studies to bring them to life, so the content is likely relevant even if you don’t travel by air frequently.


Yes, you have lifetime access!

(and other questions you might have)


When will I have access to the material?


You’ll have immediate access to all modules in the course.  You can absorb the information at your own pace and have lifetime access to the materials.


Do I need any prior knowledge of the private-aviation sector?


No. I’ve been helping business owners, their teams and even my friends successfully decide how best to utilize private aviation for over a decade. Now I’m making my secrets available to the public.


What If I want the benefits of private air travel but I’m too busy to take your course?


This is a common question with an easy solution. The course content is critical to making the most informed decision about how and when to fly private. In many cases, our busiest “students” will assign the course material to a trusted member of their team or a spouse. This way, they get a digest version of the knowledge and secrets included in the course without taking it themselves.


Is private air travel really a viable, cost-effective option?


Most likely, you have room in your budget for some element of private aviation. Of course, there’ll always be a place for commercial travel, and it may always be your primary mode of air travel. But, as you’ll learn through this course, there are instances when private air travel can become a no-brainer and you’ll be shocked at how inexpensive it can become if used wisely. 


What if I don’t fly very often? Is this course still for me?


Absolutely. Flight time can be purchased in as little as one-hour increments. I have even used it to fly from one end of a city to the other, simply to “hop over” traffic. There are endless ways you can use private aviation - many of them that are currently beyond your imagination. The course uses case studies to bring them to life, so the content is likely relevant even if you don’t travel by air frequently.

Questions About Next Steps?

You can reach out to my team directly by clicking the button below.

I believe in private aviation and the enormous time savings and productivity boost it can bring to business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives. I’ve seen it in my own business and with the many business people I have as loyal clients in my own private-aviation community. As a business tool, it works. It can save you a lot of money, time, and increase how much work you and your team get done.

I’ve also seen the quality-of-life benefits it brings. More time with your family and friends, fewer nights away in generic hotels, and you get to skip the hassles and multiple lines at commercial airports. And once you and your family start flying privately, you’ll reconnect with a world where flying is fun, relaxing and something to look forward to (everything commercial airlines and airports are not!).

Private aviation makes for a more relaxing experience, offers greater convenience, and is kinder on your mind and body (less time traveling, much better food, and a much higher level of customer service).
It all adds up and those benefits mean more energy and focus when you are on your trips, meaning you can deliver your best every time.
I admit I’m biased, but only because I’ve experienced the benefits myself. It’s the best of both worlds. It makes shrewd business sense and makes your life that much more enjoyable.

That’s why I’m condensing the THOUSANDS of hours I’ve spent learning this complex and confusing industry into one short series of videos and tools. This course plucks out the critical knowledge and helps you avoid the countless hours I’ve spent and costly mistakes I’ve made to make you an aviation insider - virtually overnight.

I’m delighted to share my insider knowledge with you and look forward to seeing you in Module 1.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us
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